Friday, November 17, 2006


(Writer's Notes: I assume that you have seen the pic before you managed to read this, in which case, you can do either of the two in case you are eating right this moment. One, you can go to another site OR you can turn off your computer for the meantime. Yes, you have already seen that ugly cockroach, but at least you can finish your food in peace. I am talking to those who are easily disturbed with pictures of insects, murders, violence, snakes, and the like.)

There, having said that, let me go on. No, lest you think this is another letter, this time to a are wrong. Although there was a time in the distant past when a cockroach followed me for half a day- it followed me wherever I went. Don't ask me how I knew it was the same cockroach, I JUST KNEW. I think that if I conversed with it at that time, it would have talked. The 2 of us would have gone down in history as the pioneers of the "New Era: the Forging of Friendship Between Humanity and the Cockroach Community". Such a shame I did not do it then.

I have four facts for you today, on the topic of cockroaches.

1. On a nuclear blast (global scale): this I'm sure most of you already know. If the cockroach is near enough, it surely would get killed by the surely as if any person stepped on it. However, if it is a continent away, it would survive all that radiation. Fact is, according to experts, it would probably be the only living thing (I am excluding plants) that would remain alive.

2. If you see a cockroach flying, it is a female has to be a female one. Most people think that they fly because...because...because...well, because they can. Wrong, the female is about to give birth and she is looking for the most convenient place for her to lay her eggs. So, if you are one of those committed to stop the population boom of the cockroaches, next time you see a flying one, chase it up to the ends of the earth, if need be, then kill it.

3. Microwave oven: Have you ever wondered if one puts a cockroach inside the microwave oven...will it die? Answer is : the heat is not uniform inside the machine, the plate of course is the concentration-point of the heat. If the cockroach manages to go under it or anywhere outside that concentration-point, it might just live. If it gets hit by the focus though, it should explode. (Hey, if you have gone back to eating while on this part of the article, sorry. I told you to finish that, whatever it is you are eating.)

4. Headless state:
Actually, a cockroach whose head has been cut off will still die, but unlike humans, it could survive for a long time. In theory, it could last up to a month, believe it or not. Consider these facts pertaining to humans:

One, we do our breathing via the nose/mouth. Our breathing is controlled by the brain, and next...second: a beheaded human will die immediately due to a dramatic loss of blood and the blood pressure drop. Another thing, third...even if this person experiences a great miracle and does not die at will he/she eat?

Now, we go back to the cockroaches, all the aforementioned reasons are not applicable to them.

They breath via spiracles which are located on every body section. These spiracles bring air to every cell via a group of tubes (tracheae), and breathing is not managed by their brain. Their blood pressure is not akin to the mammal's, thus separating the head from the body would not result to uncontrolled loss of blood. Cockroaches need less food, our 1-day meal would make them capable of surviving up to one full month. That is, assuming it will not be very busy, thus...if it is an will die pretty soon.

Cool temperatures coupled with all these might just allow a cockroach to live up to one month even if it's head is already kilometers away from it. Fact is, more than its headless state, an infection from a bacterium can kill it first.

There...I am done...cockroach anyone? Er...what I's your turn...anybody with a cockroach trivia/datum for me? I am all this case...since it's a blogsite...I'm all eyes...with my head in its rightful place and fully secured.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Adieu to a Lady Who is All These: Stranger, Acquaintance, Friend...and a Kindred Soul

I stay in a boarding house, there are 13 rooms (units) in the establishment. There was a couple staying, a female couple. Natasha is straight, her partner Megan is a lesbian (it is the politically correct term right?).

Truth is, there is nobody in the whole boarding house whom I could consider as a very good, very close friend, but Natasha (and another lady)could come nearest to it. They and I stayed under one roof for approximately 7 or 8 months. Their relationship as a romantic couple was "rocky", as manifested by their vicious arguments. (They did this behind closed doors but the walls are paper thin, the entire corridor could hear them.) Still, having observed them, I thought that the two of them really loved each other.

Let me say this though, lest you think I see either (or both) everyday, I did not. My work calls for the longest hours, and there were times when I would not see them at all, say for one whole week.

About a month ago, Natasha left. She simply packed and left, leaving Megan behind. (From what I have overheard, Natasha went to live with a foreigner, my guess is she would be going with him abroad). I would not say what I think of her leaving, I am not going to judge her, I have my own sins. I'm not going to judge Megan either, again...I have my own sins.

I was actually more sad than shocked. (I told you I am self-contained, very few things on earth could really give me a major shock.) Sad for Megan, because I can just imagine how hurt she was, even if she is (still) a non-friend (read: not necessarily an enemy) heart went out to her. Sad that I would not see Natasha again. Sad that we were not even able to say goodbye to each other.

Thus, I am writing this as a form of saying "Adieu" to a lady who has been so many things (personas) to me.

She is a stranger, after can be argued that people sharing the same roof with non-family are all strangers to each other. Even if they claim to be friends. I went back to my mental files to see if there was ever a single time where Natasha and I (with or without other people) spent more than 2 hours anything. Nada, not in talks, not in that one-time-never-repeated drinking session, nada.

She is an acquaintance, more often than not...we simply passed by each other at the boarding house's premises...nodding hi with (or without) a smile. Well, that's what acquaintances do right? She knows my name, I know her name...thus...acquaintanceship. She knows what I do for a living, I know what she does for a living...thus, acquaintances.

Friend? Now we go deeper, I do not consider just about anybody to be a friend...I have certain criterions. One of which is: he/she must be able to hold something in confidence...something personal I disclosed...and he/she must pass my “test”...that is...keeping mum on it. Natasha did so, or at least I never had any suspicions that she betrayed my confidence. One time, at the restroom area of my boarding house, we managed to have a little chat in privacy. I opened up something (not very personal, but something I would not want the whole world to know)...I wanted to seek the honest opinion of a female, unlike Megan...I needed a straight female's perspective. She gave it, I asked her to keep it in confidence, and I think she did. In that respect, she is a friend.

Kindred soul? In this, it's kind of hard to elaborate, but I'll try my best. One time, we had a “mini-drinking” session, just “mini” since it was just one bottle (San Mig Light) for each of us, oh...Megan was with us. It was a threesome “bonding” moment. However, before Megan arrived, (she went out to get the beer), there was around 45 minutes where Natasha and I were in complete privacy. There, we had our most intimate talk, “intimate” in the sense that she gave me a “super-cap” of her lifestory. It was not exactly unique (her life's circumstances and past), but interesting nonetheless. (I did not give mine, she did not ask...that's the way I am). I was in a way moved by the fact that we were...we are (still) fighting the same “demons.” (What demons...I cannot say in here...not even if a gun is pointed right at me, sorry). We differ in our past(s) and our reactions to life's adversities...but we are facing the same “demons”. I did not tell her that on that particular night, but as I looked at her once when she was looking afar...I thought to myself, “this is somebody whose soul came from where my soul came...we are KINDRED”. I felt sad that time, I don't know why...but maybe it's knowing that another person is suffering through the difficulties that I am faced with...and I know how hard life is with these. Facing those “demons” is the cross our Lord was referring to when he said “carry your cross”...and He was talking to both Natasha and me. We are indeed “kindred”, if only in that singular respect...but for me, it's a significant one.

She did not even leave me any number before she disappeared, only God could make it possible for me to "reconnect" with her anytime in the future. I was not even able to give her my mobile number or this blogsite address. Only God could make it possible for her to stumble upon this site (accidentally). Still, I have my faith...if the Lord could part the Red Sea, and if Jesus could come back from the dead...then they (he, if you believe in the Holy Trinity concept)could create a way where Natasha and I will meet once more.

Natasha, you are out there somewhere. I never thought I'll say this, but in some ways, I will miss you. I'll include you in my prayers. Above all else, I wish you happiness...after all...we are kindred.

Be well Natasha, vaya con Dios. I will keep those memories.

San Mig and Secrets,


Saturday, November 04, 2006

The Last Gladiators on Earth (Part 2)

This is just my Part two on this theme, yet the Morales-Pacquiao saga is already on its Part Three. I don't know what it is with these two guys, they should let enough alone. As the immortal Beatles song puts it, they should "let it be". Both or either of them could claim that he is the better fighter and the statement could not be conclusively disproved. After all, without a rubber match, both of them got a win, and both matches were of high interest from the sport's technical vantage point.

From what I've heard, this is going to be their last face-off, good...thank God for that. If it were not so, then the loser of this Part Three match could insist on a Part Four. Then, if after Match 4, the career scores turn out to be 2-all, they would go on a rubber match (Part 5). It can go on forever. (We might see two 70 year old+ boxers fighting still eons from now, if you get my drift.)

I will not say who I am rooting for, nor will I say who for me is the OVERALL stronger player. Suffice it to say, I think Morales is the more WELL-ROUNDED player from a technical perspective. Pacquiao on the other hand has MORE HEART and has the stronger KILLER PUNCH. Morales is more THINKING. Pacquiao is more BRAWLING. (I am NOT saying Pacquiao is incapable of strategic thinking, he can of course, he showed that in their second match.) Both boxers have my respect, although to say that I idolize either would be a stretch.

I don't know about you, but the loser of this rubber match would probably have nightmares in the following weeks, maybe months. He would be asking himself "Why did I ever allow a rubber match to happen?" when he is all alone with just his conscience, memories and thoughts. The winner of course would have all the bragging rights, but my belief is this: the Part 3 winner is not necessarily the BETTER boxer. After all, the rubber match victor could lose a fourth match, and everything would be back to scratch. Which brings me back to my point earlier, this could go on forever. (Only God could answer the "what ifs"...all of us could just speculate until all of us get blue in the face).

Oh well, even if a miracle happens and Pacquiao's and Morales' managers get to read this, I don't think they would dare change their minds on this match, this after all...means big serious money. (I cannot blame them really, if such amount would be offered to me, I'll probably volunteer to box it out with a T-Rex, or a train moving in full speed.)

I am not going to say "goodluck" to either of these 2 "gladiators". However, this I will say, to the future winner, give us a little humility, you are NOT MUHAMMAD ALI. To the future loser, don't ruin your life over it...lose some days' worth of sleep, but go on with your life...there will be other opponents.

(And) Part Four please...I am begging you. If you want to face off again after this rubber match, do it in another athletic line...chess...or one-on-one hockey. At least it would be refreshing to watch, and less blood too. (Blood in chess? THAT would be a first.)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Confidence(s) Over Coffee

Dear readers, to save myself the further labor of typing unnecessarily, please refer to my last article. The first 3 parahgraphs there hold true for this one. Just replace "Maybeline..." with the name Xanadu and that's about it. Thank you.

Nov 2006

Dear Xanadu,

The last time I went out for coffee with somebody who is not a relative, family member or one of my I.C. (innermost circle of friends)...I can no longer was so long ago.

The fact that I invited you out, well, it is actually a compliment of the higher order. In all my adult life, I have only invited friends who are kindhearted, INTERESTING, intelligent, among other attributes. At least those 3 are the minimum requirements, and you without a doubt, possess all those...and more.

I am - in more ways than one - a loner ("Self contained" is the term used by my closest friends)...and the fact that you made me, well, the fact that I invited you out for coffee is a tribute to your (interesting) personality and charm. I am not saying this to flatter you, it is simply the truth, nothing else.

Looking back at that 45-minute (1 hour?) coffee chat, I wondered at myself. I disclosed very personal things to a person I have just known for what? Less than a year? That simply means I already consider you as a good friend but what is more important to me, you also disclosed confidences...and that makes you a "more than good" friend. I just hope that our friendship would go stronger as time goes by.

Very rarely do I go out of my "self-contained force field" (another term used by some friends)...but for a bit of time...I did when we chatted while drinking caffeine. It was a leap of faith, in a way. But it gave me the self-fulfillment of reaching out to another human being, to a friend, it gave me the chance to "bond" popular parlance puts it. I have almost forgotten how it feels like, how it is like, to spend time with a friend...talking about things beyond the weather and all that small-talk stuff. Since the double-tragedy last year (which you know), I have very, very rarely gone out (on a social note) with people outside the family or my IC friends...consciously or unconsciously, I don't know. Thank you for making me remember...and for making me realize that I am still capable of it. "It" being: "bonding" with somebody, concretized by personal revelations.

Well, you said you had a good time too...I sure hope you meant it. You did right? Next time, let us make it a longer chat...a time when you don't have to rush to another commitment, and a time when I've had more sleep (more than 4 hours I mean). That was the very first time we went out, I pray and hope that it would not be the last. It is my most fervent wish that it would just be the first of many "chat-coffee-or-dinner-out" occasions.

OK...I guess that's about it...this is long enough. (But not the longest I've made for a person, not by a long shot). I'll catch you soon, I'll talk to you soon. Oh, I forgot to say, we have a lot (many) common friends and acquaintance right? I trust you to treat this (public) letter in secrecy. Meaning to say, even if they think it is for you...just deny it ok? I trust that you will do it, because I know that you value and respect my wishes for privacy. From my end, you can trust me too...and I know you do. (After all, this is not an ordinary letter, if you get my meaning.)

Take care Xanadu...Vaya con Dios. Don't let work stress you out so much...and oh...don't ever forget: patience. Have terms of all those things you told me. GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT, is just another way of saying: GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WITH PATIENCE IN THEIR HEARTS.

Keep cool. Smile...your smile radiant.

Next time we have coffee, let's do it in another place, just an idea.

A Deep Friend Here,


XS. you need a hankerchief? for your bleeding nose I mean...haha...I know you get my drift.